Chiseled Workbook
Becoming The Masterpiece God Created You To Be
Phil Tuttle
New from Walk Thru the Bible, Chiseled: Becoming the Masterpiece God Created You to Be, is a six-session, interactive study about Simon Peter. Components of the study include a workbook with built-in facilitator’s guide six teaching segments:
- Called to Follow
- Willing to Risk
- Challenged to Grow
- Motivated to Serve
- Allowed to Fail
- Restored to Lead
The session themes connect lessons from Simon Peter’s story and apply them in our own daily walk. Easy to take and use with minimal preparation, Chiseled makes an excellent choice for small groups, Sunday School classes, or even family study. Participants receive a robust Bible study, along with a fresh perspective on what it means to be blessed, strengthened, and guided in our daily steps.