God’s Grand Story
His Word. Your Life.

God’s Grand Story – The Guidebook
Old Testament Version
A Six-Week Adventure in the Old Testament
Have you longed for a greater understanding of the Old Testament?
Have you wondered how all of the pieces fit together? Have you been confused about all those good kings and bad kings, judges and priests, desert experiences and messages of hope, and what it all means?
Welcome to God’s Grand Story: His Word. Your Life.
In just a few short weeks, you’ll understand the big picture of the Bible, and how it impacts your life personally. There are daily devotional readings and prayers that tie into the video and discussion sessions for each week. You’ll study these themes.
– Beginnings
– Wilderness Experience
– Promised Land
– United Kingdom
– Divided Kingdom
– Captivity and The Coming Kingdom
God’s Grand Story is the story of God’s work to redeem, restore, and renew His people. Step into His Story with us.
English and Filipino Translations

God’s Grand Story – The Guidebook
New Testament Version
A Six-Week Adventure in the New Testament
Have you longed for a greater understanding of the New Testament? Have you was necessary for Jesus to be both human and divine?
Welcome to God’s Grand Story: New Testament Version.
In just a few short weeks, you’ll see how God had been setting the stage for the fulfillment of His purposes: the birth of His Son, Jesus. You’ll delve deep into the life and ministry of Jesus, His final week in Jerusalem, the crucifixion and resurrection, and how the church began. You’ll see how God reached beyond His people to include Gentiles unacquainted with Hebrew Scripture and the law of Moses—all to make a way for the restoration of His fallen creation. There are daily devotional readings and prayers that tie into the video and group discussion sessions for each week. You’ll study these themes:
– Jesus Comes
– Jesus Ministers
– Jesus Dies-and Lives
– The Church Begins
– Paul’s Letters
– General Letters & Revelation
God’s Grand Story is the story of God’s work to redeem, restore, and renew His people. Step into His Story with us.

Event Details:
- 6 Sessions
- Fill-in-the-blank workbook to help participants follow along and remember what they learned
- Application questions
- Group discussion questions
- Leader’s guide
- ₱150.00 per workbook per participant