Story Thru the Bible
Story To The Bible
An interactive Way to Connect with God’s Word

Story to the Bible – Old and New Testament
Author: Chris Tiegreen
This book of fifty-two stories from Scripture is based on this concept that we learn best through stories. It is designed for anyone to be able to learn a story, remember it, and pass it on to others. This process is a key aspect of discipleship — we multiply ourselves by allowing God to use us to bear fruit in others. Biblical stories are highly transferable from one person to another and always have been. The storytelling method has been one of God’s primary means for spreading truth and passing it from one generation to the next.
Storying through the OT and NT books of the Bible is a highly effective and natural way to communicate key truths, concepts, and values. It is practical and culturally sensitive, and it works with all ages.
Story to the Bible – New Testament
Author: Chris Tiegreen
This book of twenty-six stories from Scripture is based on this concept that we learn best through stories. It is designed for anyone to be able to learn a story, remember it, and pass it on to others. This process is a key aspect of discipleship — we multiply ourselves by allowing God to use us to bear fruit in others. Biblical stories are highly transferable from one person to another and always have been. The storytelling method has been one of God’s primary means for spreading truth and passing it from one generation to the next.
Storying through the Bible is a highly effective and natural way to communicate key truths, concepts, and values. It is practical and culturally sensitive, and it works with all ages.
I cant think of a better ministry to lead people through God’s Word that Walk Thru the Bible. They make the bible interesting and relavant, not just to teach the truth but to help you know the Author.
Tony Evans
Author and Speaker
A profoundly simple resource for discovering a Biblical worldview, telling and retelling stories from the Bible and uniting families and communities.
Samuel E. Chiang
Executive Director, International Orality Network